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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

More Threats from ISIS

In a new video that has emerged from ISIS, President Obama is directly threatened as follows:

“Know, oh Obama, that will reach America,” says one of the fighters, clad in black and wearing a balaclava, in a translation from Arabic provided by MEMRI. “Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House, and transform America into a Muslim Province.”

The video also pledges to kill Japanese and Jordanian hostages if a hostage is not freed by Jordan. And they didn’t stop with all of these threats.

ISIS also makes the following threats against Europe:

“And this is my message to France and to its sister, Belgium,” he said. “We advise you that we will come to you with car bombs and explosive charges, and will cut off your heads.”

There was an online message issued today warning that a Jordanian pilot and a Japanese hostage had less than “24 hours to live.” They demanded that a woman held by Jordan, Sajida al-Rishawi, be freed in exchange for the Jordanian and Japanese hostages. Ms. Al-Rishawi previously admitted a role in the Amman hotels attack that killed 57 people and who is referred to by the Islamic State as a “sister of the Caliphate.”

ISIS released this message of Japanese hostage, Kenji Goto Jogo:

"I've been told [by ISIS] that this is my last message," the Japanese hostage says, adding that the only obstacle remaining for his release is the Jordanian government and that "time is now running very short!"

No immediate response has been made by the White House.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Shadow of Crisis

In President Obama’s State of the Union Speech, he said, “The shadow of crisis has passed” largely due to his “leading from behind” diplomacy. If that is so, then why is Syria in the middle of a coup? Wasn’t Yemen one of Obama’s great “successes?” Is this the caliber of judgment we want determining whether or not to sanction Iran? President Obama's policies are responsible for creating the power vacuum in Iraq and now in Afghanistan that has spawned the rapid growth of ISIS in those regions.

I think that  the shadow of crisis is still quite prominent.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Missed the Mark

The president missed the mark last night in his State of the Union address. He failed to talk about balancing the budget and securing entitlements for the next generation. He promised to veto Keystone, to veto changes to Obamacare and his most recent immigration executive orders, and he will veto any changes to his recent financial regulations. So much for working across the aisle.

We are teetering on the brink of a nuclear Iran, and Obama pressed in his speech to hold off on sanctions. Seemingly the leader of the free world is more than willing to trust the flower child negotiations of John Kerry, rather than back up the recommendations of Israel – a country far more experienced in dealing with Iran’s nuclear ambitions and clandestine nuclear growth.

During the State of the Union address, I felt like we were being seduced in an alternate reality of a utopian universe where archenemies are willing to put aside hundreds of years of ill will, where economics were as simple as taking from the rich and sprinkling the plunders over the poor, and where climate change was a bellwether of the death of the universe.

My “favorite” part of the speech was when Obama promised to close Gitmo, and apparently this is one promise that he plans to make good on – notwithstanding the 9/11 terrorist attacks, terror in Australia, Canada, Bali, France, Iraq and Afghanistan by the Taliban, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, etcetera.  

Fortunately Obama cannot run again.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Presidential Protocol

We want a president who knows – or is at least willing to learn protocol. I’m talking about knowing not to salute U.S. Marines while holding a coffee cup in his saluting hand, not to bow to the Saudi king and not to play golf immediately after announcing that an American has been beheaded by Islamic terrorists. Who can forget Obama’s "selfie" with British Prime Minister David Cameron and the ever-attractive Denmark Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt as Michelle Obama scowls in the background? Where is Wisdom?

President Obama’s other faux pas and breaches of protocol have consistently painted a picture of an inexperienced, petulant, out-of-touch president who simply doesn’t care whom he offends or how he breaks with presidential decorum and long-established protocols that have been put in place for good reason. There is no honor in being the first president to appear on The Tonight Show. Indeed.

There is so much wrong with this president’s grasp on presidential protocol that it would take volumes to articulate it all. My favorite faux pas is when, at a dinner in the U.K. with British Royalty, President Obama begins speaking during “God Save the Queen”:

Camilla nearly laid an egg.

More of the Same -- Keeping My Fingers Crossed

Although President Obama implied after the most recent election that he may be inclined work with the entire Congress, his words of late are illustrating the opposite. With a new proposed tax hike and a list of more government freebies (free Junior College tuition, et al.) and the president’s most current promise to go on the “offensive” during his last two years in office, it is clear that he has not taken heed to the pounding he received in November. Really, why should he since he still has his “pen” and his “phone?” He is going to go down as the most polarizing president in U.S. history with his antagonistic inability to engage cooperation from both sides. Any president can govern by fiat. It takes a real leader to work with both sides of the aisle.

Two more years to go, and hopefully the damage won’t be terribly egregious or long lasting. But “hopefully” is the operative word here. . .

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Obama and the "JV" Team

Congressman Louie Gohmert in The Counter Jihad Report on January 15, 2015 discussed the following Obama blunder:

"Obama: ISIS is the 'JV team'.

In January, President Obama sat down for an interview with the New Yorker, and when asked about ISIS gains in Iraq, he likened them to the JV team, saying ““The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” Those words came back to haunt him as ISIS surged in both Syria and Iraq, particularly when Obama authorized missile strikes against ISIS in August. Even then Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken defended the president’s “JV team” remark, saying they didn’t pose the threat to America as much as Al-Qaeda. A few week later, the Washington Post noted the attempts to spin the president’s statement. By September, Obama laughably claimed in an interview on Meet the Press that he wasn’t talking about ISIS in his New Yorker interview. But even the notoriously biased Politifact rated his walk-back as “false” and two weeks ago the Washington Post’s fact checker Glenn Kessler branded Obama’s “JV team” spin as 'the lie of the year'."

On the theme of Obama's lack of understanding of the growth of radical Islam in today's world, the "JV Team" remark is one of his most stunning understatements.

Let's elect a president in 2016 who understands world affairs, instead of a candidate whose greatest strength is the ability to give a good speech.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Consider this quote of our fearless leader:

"And so, you know, this is a problem that causes great heartache and tragedy and destruction, but it is one that ultimately we're going to defeat. But we can't just defeat it through weapons. One of the things that we spoke about is how do we lift up those voices that represent the vast majority of the Muslim world, so that that counter-narrative against this nihilism is put out there as aggressively and as nimbly as the messages coming out from these -- these fanatics." 

Here is the definition of nihilism:

"the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless." (Wikipedia)


At the same event, David Cameron said this:

"We do face a very serious Islamist extremist terrorist threat in Europe, in America, across the world. And we have to be incredibly vigilant in terms of that threat." 

Nihilism or Islamic Terrorism?

You decide. . .



Thursday, January 15, 2015

Back to the "Wild West" of Terrorism

According to news sources, five Yemeni terror suspects from Guantanamo Bay have been released – four of them to the country of Oman – which is, incidentally, next to Yemen.  Why would the Obama Administration release known terror suspects to a vicinity so close to where their terrorist activity originated? In President Obama’s latest push to close Guantanamo Bay, the release of these latest five terrorist suspects brings the detention center’s number down to 122.

In December of 2014, the Obama Administration released for resettlement five other prisoners to the nation of Kazakhstan, which – by the way – is the country that produced the child executioner who was posted in yesterday’s article. Clearly, terrorism is alive and well in Kazakhstan.

Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte, who referred to Yemen as the “Wild West” for terrorists, warned of fresh terrorist threats yesterday during a news conference when she said,

"Now is not the time to be emptying Guantanamo."

In spite of repeated warnings to keep terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, opinions on closing the prison have changed little since 2009 with 66 percent of Americans polled by Gallup indicating that they are against Guantanamo’s closure. Nevertheless, the President of the United States continues to thwart the will of the people with his Lone Ranger governing tactics.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

ISIS Child Soldier Publically Executes Two Prisoners

A  horrific video surfaced online on Tuesday that shows a young boy of around 9 or 10 executing captives claimed by ISIS to be Russian spies. He is supervised by a bearded man who appears to be in his late 20s or early 30s. There is Arabic writing at the bottom of the video. The boy identifies himself as “Abdullah” from Kazakhstan.

The two captured men in the video “confess” to crimes against the ISIS organization. Then the adult ISIS warrior announces that the men are now “through Allah’s grace,” in the custody of the “lion cubs of the Caliphate.” After the speaking ends, the boy steps forward and calmly shoots the two men in the head repeatedly. U.S. and Russian officials have been contacted for comment, but – as yet – none has been provided.

While U.S. Officials have been aware of ISIS using child fighters, this is the first time that one of these child soldiers have publicly executed other people and a video of the murders posted online.

Be warned: ISIS is targeting children in their perverted, aggressive recruitment efforts.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Supreme Lack of Understanding

No matter how sympathetic President Obama wants to appear about the Paris massacre that took place at Charlie Hebdo last week, his actions speak louder than his words.

To quote Douglas E. Schoen, former Clinton pollster,

“To speak about the most serious terrorist attack on Western soil since 9/11, London and Madrid, in between speeches about his free community college plan demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding for the gravity of the situation in Paris and, indeed, the world.”

And to assert the point that I keep making, this president came in to office with no qualifications in international politics and, by his actions after the Charlie Hebron attack, seems to have learned nothing during his time in office.

The war against radical Islam deserves more than a few casual remarks by the leader of the free world.

Attribution: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/01/12/obama-awol-in-paris-message-to-america-allies-is-dont-care/

Monday, January 12, 2015

National Security Mistakes

While President Obama's national security mistakes have been legion, the following mistakes and missteps happened during his first 100 days in office: 

  • Apologizing for America in Europe and Latin America;
  • Bowing before the Muslim king of Saudi Arabia;
  • Pledging to base America’s foreign policy toward Iran on “mutual respect” in a video to the Iranian people and Iran’s Holocaust-denying dictator;
  • Ordering Guantanamo Bay closed without any idea of where to send the terrorist suspects held there. (Many of those sent back to the Middle East are under loose surveillance and will undoubtedly engage in future terror attacks on the U.S. and its interests);
  • Caving to communist Cuba by relaxing travel restrictions and remittances for Cuban Americans before any Cuban political prisoners have been released;
  • Shaking hands with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez;
  • Sitting silently though a 50-minute anti-American diatribe by Nicaragua’s communist president, Daniel Ortega;
  • Releasing Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the suspected mastermind of the 2000 suicide bombing of the U.S.S. Cole;
  • Releasing classified CIA memos outlining our interrogation techniques;
  • Telling our CIA agents not to be discouraged when he acknowledges their “mistakes”;
  • Declaring a new openness to “truth commissions” and prosecuting intelligence officials involved in enhanced interrogations of terrorists;
  • Proposing to send a $900 million foreign aid package to Palestinians in Gaza;
  • Asking Congress to relax the law so that some of that money could go to the terrorist organization Hamas;
  • Calling for the U.S. to eliminate its nuclear weapons;
  • Telling Russian President Demitri Medvedev that America’s commitment to missile defense is negotiable; 
  • Dropping the term “enemy combatants” for GITMO detainees;
  • Dropping the term “terrorism” for “man-made/man-caused disaster”;
  • Dropping the term “Global War on Terror” for “overseas contingency operations”;
  • Giving his first interview as president to the Arab language network Al-Arabiya;
  • Telling the Muslim world that his “job” was to communicate “that the Americans are not your enemy,” when it’s Muslim extremists who have declared war on us; and
  • Proposing that military veterans use private insurance for the cost of a service-related injury before they would be eligible for coverage through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Obama has been an ideologically-driven president with little-to-no knowledge of national security. Let us hope that in the next election we can elect a more qualified leader.

* Attribution:  http://www.cwfpac.com/sites/default/files/100%20days.pdf