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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Liberals Can Change -- I Did

I used to be a card-carrying liberal. In fact, as a young woman, I even worked on the McGovern Campaign. But, for the life of me, I can honesty tell you that I do not know why. I guess that I hadn’t really taken a long, hard look at politics that were opposed to liberal thinking.

When I married and had children, though, I began viewing the world through the lenses of motherhood and the mind-set of a mother tiger protecting her young.
The thought of pedophiles then automatically activated my antennae -- as did bullies, incompetent teachers, abusive athletic coaches and child safety laws. On the day that a new elementary school opened in our neighborhood, I narrowly missed running over a child who had darted into traffic. Now I can be found in that town’s local cable T.V. annals chastising our city council on their failure to hire crossing guards and install traffic lights and stop signs. Do you know that, as a result of my city-council shriek, they found a way to get those stop signs, traffic lights and crossing guards and they there still up-and-functioning some 25 years later?

People must take a stand.
Now I am a conservative in all things. I hate big government; ObamaCare; Obama;  and the rest of our lying, cheating liberal elected officials. Our country is slipping away from us. I am seriously concerned that one day we will wake up to find that we are living in the United States of Obama.

We must do what we can to bring our country back to rational conservative laws and government.
Comrades unite!

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